Avvoltore Morellino di Scansano Morisfarms Moris
Vini Morisfarms

The Morisfarms estate has been producing wines for many years (generations?) in the Tuscan Maremma. It produces the famous DOC Morellino di Scansano and the “younger” DOC Monteregio di Massa Marittima.

Nevertheless its most famous wine is “Avvoltore”, an IGT of the Tuscan Maremma, produced since 1988 but only when the vintage crop has been really excellent.

Since 2004 the estate produces a Vermentino, a white wine made from a white grape that grows well in the mild climate of the Maremma.

The farm produces also some Extra Virgin Olive Oil,Passito "Scalabreto"  and the white wine Monteregio di Massa Marittima.


Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva
Agriturismo Tenuta Poggetti
Agriturismo Poggetti